Position available: Urban Dream Brokerage Masterton Broker
Kia ora Masterton,
As part of the Our Future Masterton programme (information below) we are looking to employ a special Masterton-area based person for a part-time short term contract for service, starting late May/early June running potentially until Christmas. The deadline for applications is 9am, Monday 15th May, 2017. READ ON for the job description.
Advertised Position: Urban Dream Brokerage Masterton Broker
Are you passionate about Masterton’s future? Would you like to contribute by helping enable your fellow citizens to try out events and ideas that help develop a CBD that feels owned by all as a place for all? Do you have strong diverse local networks and feel you can talk to the local community, artists and property owners alike? This is a role to create exciting new opportunities in Masterton, developed by the community helping re-imagine the use of the different spaces and sites around the CBD through public space events and vacant space projects? The broker’s role is to help facilitate these, rather than actually produce them.
Letting Space is looking to contract a self-motivated person to make a real contribution to the revitalisation of Masterton. Through OUR FUTURE MASTERTON the Urban Dream Brokerage service (currently running in Wellington and Dunedin with Letting Space www.urbandreambrokerage.org.nz) the Broker will process applications from creative thinkers with dynamic projects for vacant commercial spaces and public spaces. They will be good at inspiring locals to think outside the box and develop their ideas to their potential, work closely with property owners, council and retailers and negotiate to secure sites and spaces under temporary licensing arrangements. They will promote these projects through a variety of media and community channels.
The broker will be strong at making contacts with business people, community groups, artists and the media. They will be good at spreading the word about this programme. This is a part-time contract for service available on flexible terms for $9000.
Application due: 9am, Monday 15th May, 2017
Interviews: Between 9-5pm, 17th or 18th May (please ensure you are available)
Start work: 6th June, reviewed August, ends by 29th December 2017
Job description
Broker Role
The primary purpose of the role is to successfully coordinate the placement of fresh, unique and creative projects and events into vacant commercial spaces and public spaces within the Masterton town centre.
The secondary purpose will be to advocate and promote these projects, helping lead to the revitalisation of Masterton CBD in the eyes of the community, property and business worlds alike.
Your role will involve:
1. Implementing strategies to maintain buy-in from property owners and to promote the benefits of the brokerage.
2. Developing a marketing strategy with assistance from Letting Space and promoting successfully brokered projects to a wide audience.
3. Promoting the brokerage to the local community, meeting and discussing criteria with potential applicants, following on from the community workshops this programme has undertaken in 2016, which elicited many ideas for the CBD from locals..
4. Liaising with other key stakeholders such as retailers, Lands Trust, arts, community and business groups, Masterton City Council, Chamber of Commerce and key individual affiliates connected to the property industry.
5. Being part of the Urban Dream Brokerage national team, offering each other support and working closely with both Letting Space and Toi Aria: Design for Public Good, Massey University.
6. Liase with the Urban Dream Brokerage Masterton Advisory group, for advice and leads as needed. This group is made up of a diverse body of 20 or more Masterton based people, with strong networks between them.
5. Research, document and maintain a database of applicants and property owners.
6. Develop and write editorial relating to successful projects, and develop newsletters, social media posts or other informative material.
7. Negotiate License Agreements and Special Conditions with property owners, based on existing templates.
8. Arrange property inspections to assess condition of sites and suitability for their use.
9. Coordinate repair and maintenance works and contribute to Property Risk Management procedures
10. Develop initial relationships with further potential funders/partners of the Brokerage.
11. Maintain excellent relationships with property owners and artists.
12. Contribute to communication of the Our Future Masterton programme with the rest of the team (see below).
The Broker will be expected to be able to work independently, but will be briefed and guided by Letting Space Directors / Urban Dream Managers: Sophie Jerram, Mark Amery, Helen Kirlew Smith and contracted through the Wellington Independent Arts Trust (WIAT). Contribution will also be made by programme partners Toi Aria, Massey University, who WIAT have a subcontract with to complete this work.
This is a position for an Independent contractor for an Initial Period of two months (8 weeks) with the potential to extend for up to a seven month period (29th December 2017).
This is a part-time contract for service available on flexible terms with the number of hours per week to be set ($25-$30 an hour - depending on experience). The position is expected to start on 6th June 2017, but may commence earlier if the broker is available to do so.
Selection Criteria
This position involves being able to work across the community, creative, property and business worlds. The successful applicant may have their principal experience in either of these areas, but in bridging these interests will bring an understanding and appreciation of all of them.
1. Passion for the renewal and revitalisation of Masterton and a belief in the important role that community play as agents of change.
2. Excellent verbal, and written and personal communication skills
3. Good thorough documentation skills
4. Good budgeting and project management skills
5. Confident, dynamic, tenacious and self-motivated personal qualities
1. Understanding, knowledge and appreciation of the business, community and property worlds of Masterton
2. Project management/coordination experience
3. Understanding and appreciating of the role public art can play in urban development
4. Experience/background in real estate, creative and property industries or urban development
5. Experience in negotiations
6. Experience with maintenance/building/property service providers
To apply
Please email urbandreambrokerage@gmail.com the following documents:
1. CV – no more than 2 pages
2. Your written response to all the Selection Criteria
In the subject of your email please include the words: Job Application: Broker [insert your name]
Email as above or phone Sophie Jerram telephone: 029 934 9749 or Mark Amery 027 3566 128
This position is funded with the sponsorship of the Masterton City Council.
Participate in creating a future Masterton. Through a range of fun activities be part a citizen-led design for Masterton and its CBD. Not just for next year, but for the decades ahead: a legacy to future generations, that young and old contribute to. A collective 50-year vision.
Who are we? We are the Masterton community, but with facilitation and inspiration from an experienced team from Toi Āria: Design for the Public Good, Massey University and Letting Space, an independent public art and urban revitalisation organisation. The programme has been sponsored by Masterton District Council.
The programme includes:
· Urban Dream Brokerage, calling for innovative new ideas for public and vacant commercial spaces from the community, and then brokering spaces for those that meet the community’s goals as events over 2017. The brokerage has a local broker and diverse local advisory panel.
· An Our Future Masterton Hub: a hands-on interactive space where you can contribute ideas for the future, comment on others ideas, past and present, and potential areas of physical spatial change in the CBD – through both displays and mini-workshops.
· Visualisations of potential options for creating new and connected spaces in the Masterton CBD to stimulate further discussion and contribution.
CBDs really flourish through participation and strong leadership from all sectors of the community, not just those perceived most powerful. Following initial citizen contributions in 2016 workshops, our focus is exploring ways to create a well-connected and generous community, strengthen inter-generational connections, and recognise and build capability with tangata whenua. Physically, we have been asked to look to create shared spaces, strengthen connections between spaces, and strengthen connections to Masterton’s heritage and history, and the CBD’s connection to nature.
Get in touch with your ideas and thoughts – they will shape our future Masterton.